Employers & Brokers, Health Systems, Personal Health Technology, Workforce Health | By | 11/09/21 | 5 Minute Read

Prioritize recovery and maximize results with the new Daily Readiness Score

Consider what people could do if they knew when they were primed to be at their physical best. The new Daily Readiness Score for Fitbit Premium was created to help with just that!

By guiding people to better understand what’s best for their bodies – when they’re ready for vigorous activity, or when they should prioritize recovery – the Daily Readiness Score is like a compass for the wellbeing journey.

This new, exclusive score for Premium members is available now, and your population can benefit from the guidance, advanced sleep tools, and in-depth sleep score to help them progress towards their holistic health and wellbeing goals. They’ll also enjoy access to 200+ workouts and other Premium content to help them become more in tune with their body.

How does the Daily Readiness Score work?

Each morning, users get a score in the Fitbit app based on their activity, sleep quality, and heart rate variability (HRV). A high score indicates they’re primed for a more activity-filled day, while a low score suggests that recovery should be prioritized.

Based on their scores, they’ll also get personalized goals for the day, plus recommended workouts or recovery sessions, depending what they need. Over time, their scores and daily goals adapt with them.

The score is based on the scientific model called fitness-fatigue – the logic that exercise helps you become more fit, but causes short term fatigue. This means that taking time to recover can produce better results than working hard all the time. Fitbit analyzes activity, but also factors in sleep and heart rate variability to ensure that any fatigue on the body – whether it’s a tough workout, poor sleep or stress – factors into the score. 

What goes into the Daily Readiness Score?

Activity (Fitness-fatigue)

During activity, elevated heart rates cause fatigue. Fitbit tracks heart rates around the clock with PurePulse, our first automatic, continuous wrist-based heart rate technology. Every kind of effort counts—from running a 5K to running after the kids. 


Sleep has a cumulative effect on the body, meaning poor sleep from a few nights ago can bring on fatigue today. That’s why we factor in sleep from the past several nights, not just yesterday. 


Calculated during deep sleep, heart rate variability (HRV) is a great measure of recovery. Higher HRV is better: This means the body can easily transition from rest to activity, and back. Sometimes stress, strain or diet can lower HRV and impact readiness to exercise. 

What can the Daily Readiness Score do for you and your population?

Getting healthy can be hard work. With the busy lives we lead today, it may be difficult to stay the course, and we could all use a little help along the way. Offering the Fitbit experience (Fitbit devices along with the Fitbit Premium membership) as a companion on this journey is an investment in the long-term wellbeing of your population. 

The more we know about ourselves, the easier it is to make healthy choices in our everyday lives. You already know Fitbit for providing insightful, personalized health metrics. And now, with the addition of the new Daily Readiness Score, Fitbit continues to evolve and expand what you can deliver to your population. You’ll be empowering them to be more in tune with themselves and know when they’re primed to be at their physical best.

And just imagine what they could accomplish with that.

*Daily Readiness requires a Fitbit Premium membership. Premium content recommendations are not available in all locales and may be in English only.

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